
OnePager Lab

OnePager Lab – Interdisciplinary research into patterns in changing perspectives

OnePager Lab at a glance

  • Who we are: The OnePager Lab is an interdisciplinary research laboratory for perspective changes
  • Who we support: Managers and communicators in business, science and politics, who need the ability to change perspectives on a daily basis in order to make the right decisions and interact successfully with their stakeholders
  • Where we provide support: For communicative challenges in customer management, decisions on employee management, intercultural cooperation, change processes and conflict situations, etc.
  • What we offer: We derive intuitive applications from our research concept that help you to be creative through a change of perspective, to signal empathy, to form relationships and to overcome challenges.
  • How we achieve this: We make use of the enormous density of expertise in the European metropolitan
    region of Munich and our network in the Universities of Excellence TUM and LMU

Our Research Concept – Translational Research

Basic Research

Basic research by leading experts on changing perspectives

Applied Research

Transfering scientiffic findings to specific problems of our partners


Design and implemantation of products for problems of industry partners


Interdisciplinary top team (e.g. business administration, psychology, politics)


Intuitive and partner-specific applicatons for optimized communication

Our research process

  1. Development of research questions with our partners
  2. Basic investigations in the research groups
  3. Validation of literature search in the scientific network
  4. Preparation of the results in standardized samples
  5. Interviews with experts on research results
  6. Survey creation based on expert interviews
  7. Survey in a large network of companies/associations
  8. Analysis and validation of the results with high-ranking personalities from research and industry
Research Updates
Included seats for OnePager software applications
Included appointments for strategic C-level consulting
Participation at the OnePager Day
Semi-annual fine dining with research masterminds
Definition of individual problems for research
Own research group
2x per year
4x per year
6x per year
6x per year
1x per year
3x per year
6x per year


Contact the OnePager Lab

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